Sunday, April 12, 2009

Doug's 40th Birthday Party!!!

On Saturday we celebrated Doug's 40th birthday with our families and friends. It was a lot of fun. We had a BBQ and had some fun with some goofy gifts (depends, metamucal, baby food, geezer tweezers, a mood chart, etc.) . It was so great. By the end of the night I had Doug wearing a wig and using a blow up walker that I found that had hilarious sayings on it (warning achy body parts, high pants zone, over the hill walking, memory detour, watch your step, sagging body parts, etc.). I had also put up a bunch of funny photos of Doug around the room that were really goofy.0 It was a fun night.

1 comment:

Clark Fam said...

where are the pictures of the wig.....